Saturday, May 7, 2016

Article: Is Isis already living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

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This article in the "Red Flag News", although I'd hardly call it a "news" source is wrong. For several reasons, but one of the first most glaring ones is in the 2nd paragraph or so, where it says that the President is first and foremost supposed to protect the people. 

That's not constitutionally correct as you'd think that a news source claiming to be all about the Constitution should know. 

The president (executive branch) is sworn to enforce the law that is written by the legislative branch of government. We have checks and balances. The legislative branch makes law, the judicial branch evaluates the law, and the executive branch executes (or carries out) the law. 

Starting an article off with an incorrect foundation just lets the rest of it go on incorrectly as well. 

As many people in the military, who I know personally, will attest (and they're not democrats at all), GWB messed up Iraq and that war was completely mismanaged. If it had been done properly in the first place, then things would be completely different, but they weren't and then there was a clusterfuck for Obama to try to clean up. But there's no way to clean anything up when Congress won't do anything except go on vacation and won't agree to anything, and blames the President for everything - he even got blamed for things that happened before he took office! 

Hindsight tells us that we shouldn't have gone in there in the first place, and we never should have sent our best people in the world with second rate equipment and expected them to do a first-rate job. All things considered, our people in the military have done an exceptional job. But how many of them have we lost? How many of them do we have to lose? How many of them are injured, or without limbs, in Walter Reed? 

Surely everyone remembers Walter Reed? That was a GWB scandal through and through. Nobody can blame Obama for that. 

The fact is that WE cannot fight those people. Other Muslims have to fight them. They don't want us occupying their country. If we are going to occupy them, we might as well just overtake them and make them another state, along with Puerto Rico, Guam, and the American Samoa.  But they don't want us occupying them. Our interference in Middle Eastern affairs is one reason that Osama Bin Laden was so angry at us if you recall. We trained him to fight against the Russians and then left him high and dry, and he got very upset. Took down the World Trade Centers and carried out numerous bombings before that. 

We even had a memo entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in America" that we totally ignored by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. And what happened? Bin Laden struck America. Now everyone is on a fear wagon. It's all about controlling people through fear. 

That's why they rose up in the first place. They don't want us involved in their drama. So why are we? 

And ISIS makes up only 1% of 1% of Muslims. Who are we fighting them with? Our BEST people. Our most loyal, dependable, honorable people. Our Navy Seals, Green Berets, Snipers, National Guard, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force. Our best people are being killed and maimed in the hopes of what? That they won't come here? What a farce. 

If we really want to do something, we should do as Comedian Ralphie May proposed on one of his Netflix specials: We should clean out the prisons in America, take those 1 million plus people, send them over there, leave the weapons, and let them have at it. For every ISIS member they kill, they get free Hot Pockets! 

Gangbangers and serial killers would love it. "You can't get PTSD if you like to kill," Ralphie May joked. That's actually true, and one of the best ideas! 

I couldn't agree with him more! It would take care of our prison overpopulation as well as our ISIS threat and get our wonderful men and women in uniform back home to us - safely. Where they belong. 


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