Sunday, February 23, 2014

France honors women

France honors women. Great article in The Daily Beast.

I realize I share articles from that site quite often but it is truly a great news site. The stories are for the most part, very fair. They equally call out politicians for mistakes, hypocrisy, and double talk from all political parties. They don't really play favorites.

The information is sound and reliable. It is well researched and it is easy to want to share their articles. They have a page for politics, world news, entertainment, fashion, - and one for women. Devoted to women, women's rights and women's health. It is fantastic of them this. Although I personally read the news and politics first, I also read the articles for world news, entertainment and for women. I enjoy every one I read.

This one is good as well.

Jesus carries an AR-15? Constitution came from Jesus?

Not all Christians are stupid but some people make it difficult to defend them (and I do defend them when necessary), but this dude..... :(
William “Jerry” Boykin, the deputy undersecretary of Defense for intelligence for much of the Bush/Cheney era, and who was  in charge of the hunt for Osama bin Laden in 2003, said THIS week:

“The Lord is a warrior and in Revelation 19 is says when he comes back, he’s coming back as what? A warrior. A mighty warrior leading a mighty army, riding a white horse with a blood-stained white robe…. I believe that blood on that robe is the blood of his enemies ‘cause he’s coming back as a warrior carrying a sword. And I believe now – I’ve checked this out – I believe that sword he’ll be carrying when he comes back is an AR-15…. The sword today is an AR-15, so if you don’t have one, go get one. You’re supposed to have one. It’s biblical.”

Boykin added that “the whole concept” of the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment “came from Jesus.”
He CHECKED IT OUT???? With who?? JESUS carries a friggin GUN? (NOT just any gun either, no, an AR-15 - awfully specific. Does this guy work for a gun manufacturer or something??)

There's a lot of violence in Heaven, you say, where Jesus needs to carry an assault rifle? Does Moses have one too? :( How do they get guns in the after life anyway? I thought worldly possessions were left behind?

(Aside: Perfect marketing strategy for a manufacturer -- 'We make the gun Jesus carries!')

And the writers of the Constitution, who were not even Christian, wrote the 2nd Amendment because it came from Jesus? They weren't even Christians!! Yo, they weren't even Christian - and they argued Separation of church and state so why would they put Jesus..... yeah, NO. It didn't come from Jesus.

Things like this are absolutely ridiculous.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Heritage and Hate at Ole Miss

Wonderful article from The Daily Beast about hate and racism at Ole Miss (The University of Mississippi). It is sad that the schools in Mississippi are still as racist as they are. Actually it's sad that people are as racist as they are.

Will the day ever come when one person looks as another and does not see a black, white, gay, straight, Christian, Muslim, atheist, transgender, Hispanic, Asian (etc) person but sees simply a HUMAN BEING? Must we classify everything and then align stereotypes to those things? Must we be scared to walk down the same street as a black kid without automatically thinking they're up to no good and deserve to be shot?

The entire state of Mississippi has a racism problem and as someone who lives there I see it everyday. I'm simply lucky to have been born Caucasian in this state rather than of some other race. My hope is that someday people will not be so full of hatred for things different than they are but will appreciate the differences we have. And celebrate them. But it's hard to think that day will come when every February I have to hear how we should not have a Black History Month and every time a black is on television I have to hear "fucking niggers should all die" - and yes that actually happens. Even though people in other places don't see how it is I can tell you for sure iy is certainly very real.

Why must we spend so much energy hating people?

Standing Ovation For Rand Paul?

Rand Paul actually has a good chance of making a legitimate bid for president, and on alot of stuff he is right. (Not everything, but alot.) He'd be a decent choice but he probably won't run in '16, more likely in 2020 (depending on who wins in 2016).

"Rand Paul is right, and all Republicans would do well to follow his example. One can be conservative without being indecent. Paul is the former, Nugent is the latter, and Cruz cannot make up his mind, which is why someday Paul may be a serious candidate for president while Cruz merely speaks for the freak show wing of the lunatic far right."

Article below

New Space Neighborhood Watch Program by Air Force

Not a bad idea at all. But what struck me was this: " The Air Force currently tracks about 23,000 pieces of orbiting debris bigger than about 4 inches. These range from old rocket bodies to the remains of an exploded Chinese satellite."

23,000 pieces? Nice... It is not enough to litter on Earth, people just throw junk in space and leave it there too. Someday, someone will have to clean it up. You can't keep throwing stuff out there forever. (Not that I'm going to do it *myself* or anything, but logically, that day will come.)

Will he make gay marriage legal?

An article from The Daily Beast on Supreme Court Justice Kennedy. Does he have the power to make gay marriage legal? Shouldn't we?

New post from the NAACP: NAACP Welcomes Entertainment Executive Kyle Bowser as Senior Vice President of Hollywood Bureau by Marc Banks

WASHINGTON, D.C. (February 4, 2021) – The NAACP is pleased to announce that Kyle Bowser will serve as its Senior Vice President of the Holly...