Friday, June 24, 2016

How to advertise your organization effectively

One of the major marketing issues in  organizations today is how to get their message directly to their target market for the least amount of money and time. I have found the best way to do just that!

For as long as most of us remember, ads in magazines, newspapers and on television were the best ways to advertise. The internet slowly killed print advertising as it put newspapers and magazines out of business.

The advent of Netflix and the DVR have lowered the reach of television ads as people are not watching live television as much anymore. If given the option, most people will change the channel or fast-forward through commercials. Buying the time slots for a commercial costs enough but then you have to spend even more money on producing the commercials.

Having a Facebook page or a website used to be enough to keep people informed about what an organization was doing. But that too is changing. Recently Facebook changed their algorithm so that people only see the profiles and pages that they interact with the most. That means that your message is not being seen by every person who likes your page anymore. Now only about 30% of your followers are seeing your posts.

But what if you could be sure you had the attention of your followers?

What if you knew that your message was delivered to your target market?

What if you could send a message directly to everyone who is a part of your organization, or a customer of your business, or a member of your church?

Well, you can do exactly that!!

Sentext Solutions offers text message marketing, a subscription service to send out scheduled mass text messages to everyone on your list, which they subscribe to themselves by texting your keywords to 51660.

For an example, on your cell phone right now simply text BONE to 51660. It will ask you if you want to subscribe to that list and you simply say yes. Some of our clients also take advantage of our birthday club which lets you give them a special gift on their birthday.

Sentext provides all of the artwork for you. I can send you a few examples if you like, or you can see some on my LinkedIn profile. Any of those ads that I post, free to subscribe to their lists so you can see exactly how it works.

We’ll work with you on the keywords you choose, artwork, and the signage. The artwork also has the UPC code on it which can be scanned by a cell phones to subscribe people instantly instead of texting in the keywords.

You’ll be able to set up your messages online through our website, or I can do it for you as well. In your account, you’d be able to see how many people are subscribed to your list and schedule your messages to be sent.

We offer several different very reasonable monthly options for messages, depending upon how many messages you want to send every month. There is a one-time sign up fee to cover the cost of the artwork & signage. They will just charge debit/credit card every month for the monthly fee. [Speaking of which, if you need to accept credit card payments at your business, I also represent iPayment Processing, a merchant services company. iPayment and Sentext Solutions are not affiliated, I just work for both of them. Lol. iPayment is so sure it can save you money on your credit card processing fees, you’ll get $500 if they cannot!]

Anyway, before I digress, I know that text marketing works because I used it in a former position I held managing a club. We had a Facebook group & a newsletter we mailed but I found in talking to my membership that they had simply forgotten about an event we had scheduled and they asked that I start texting them a reminder. So I did that on my own phone, and it really made a difference in the turnout for our events, meetings, and specials. When their dues came up each year, I’d text a reminder to those who hadn’t paid, and I had over 90% retention rate within the first month I did that. It really made a difference.

I hope that this helped explain a few things about the text marketing. It’s the most affordable, effective and efficient way to advertise. 

I would love the opportunity to talk with you more to see what you’re looking for in terms of marketing & advertising for your business. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you. I have worked in business management and marketing for almost 20 years, so I will be happy to help however I can so get in touch with me at, or text me!

Thanks so much for your time! Have a great weekend!

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