Thursday, March 27, 2014

the gop screwed Ukraine out of global aid just to hurt Obama

It's funny how the same people who claim that Obama needs to be tougher towards Putin in Russia for his treatment of the Ukraine are the exact same people who voted against and aid package to help the Ukraine. Just because they don't like Obama. It is not just American money they are limiting - it was a global aid package.

They claim Obama looks weak to the world because of the was he is basically not declaring war on Russia but they are doing everything they can to make him look weak to the world. It is not Obama who is weak. It is the republican party in the congress who are weak and who are jealous and scared of Obama's popularity. People naturally like Obama. And people do not like the old white men of the GOP.

People do not like those old white men in the republican party because of the way they treat women, minorities, and the poor. They align themselves with the richest people and alienate the intelligent people in the lower classes who see what they are doing. They align themselves with these religious zealots who misconstrued the bible to mean Christians are able to openly discriminate against women, minorities, gays, and anyone else they want. They are trying to make these Talibangelical Christians happy by putting these religious beliefs into the laws of the country.

The GOP constantly talks about wanting to send messages to get women and minorities for them but they shoot themselves in the foot by the way they say disparaging remarks about those same people to whom they are trying to appeal.

They do not like Obama and they do not want him to succeed in his presidency at all. They don't care if they hurt everyone else in the process as long as they hurt Obama too. It is ridiculous to play politics in urgent situations. It is stupid to try to make the president fail because what he's doing is leading our country. They don't care if the United States fails and suffers from what they are doing. It is absolutely essential to them to do this to win elections next year.

But if they continue doing this they are not likely to win anyway. The media is reporting the things they are doing. I don't know if people are listening but I am hoping that they certainly will. If the GOP ends up running this country we are in for a terrible time. They want more war that we can't afford and if we got into.we wouldn't win. They want to force everyone out of their freedom. They want people to have limited access to information. They want to spin the truth.

The GOP of today is not the GOP of the days past. These people are not honorable. They have no dignity. They have no pride in America. They have no concern for this country. They care only about themselves and money and being in power. They don't care about anything else and it is extremely obvious.

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